I felt like a snack in the middle of the night
I crept down stairs for a nibble and a bite, ooee ooee
A crash beyond the kitchen door
Told me that it was back for more, ooee ooee

You might o' guessed, I am possessed
I really must insist
May I suggest invest in an exorcist.

 Help me, oo ee
 Oo ee, believe me
 Geist ooo ooo poltergeist ooo ooo 
 Where's he?...
 In the pantry.

I went goose pimplyfied
No where to run, no where to hide, for me
I was sceptical before
But a pantry poltergeist I saw here to stay.

 Help me, oo ee
 Oo ee, believe me
 Geist ooo ooo poltergeist ooo ooo 
 Where's he?...
 In the pantry.

You might o' guessed...

 Help me, oo ee
 Oo ee, believe me
 Geist ooo ooo poltergeist ooo ooo 
 Where's he?...
 In the pantry.